Thursday, April 11, 2013

Pizza Soup!

Because if I didn't post it now, it would end up being months later and I would feel very badly.

You will need:

1 carrot, chopped
1/4 bell pepper, chopped (a rare luxury, but if you have one handy, go for it!)
1 stalk of celery, chopped (or 'stick.'  I don't know.  A couple weeks ago, Ben told me that a 'stalk' means the whole one of those long green things, and not the whole bunch.)
1 largish tomato, chopped
1/2 onion, chopped
1/4-ish cup pepperoni, cut into quarters
3-4 cups chicken broth
1/2 chicken breast, cooked & cubed
1-2 Tbsp butter
1-2 Tbsp flour
1 cup milk
macaroni or other noodles
parmesan cheese
mozzarella cheese


Combine all of your chopped vegetables, pepperoni and chicken in a pot with chicken broth and put over medium heat on the stove.  Let it cook for 20-30 minutes, or until the carrots and celery are appropriately soft (there's little that bugs me more than my carrots and/or celery being only halfway done, but some people don't mind it).

Meanwhile: melt butter and whisk in flour and then milk to make a rue.  The measurements I listed above aren't exact because I'm not very good at taking measurements first...sorry...  You don't want it to be too thick, like clam chowder or something.  Just enough to make the soup a little bit creamy.  Add this to the vegetables, broth & meat, stirring to incorporate it.

Season the soup with garlic, marjoram, oregano and black pepper.  Once again, I didn't pay attention to how much I used, but don't overdo it.  The pepperoni adds a lot of flavor.

Add your noodles about ten minutes before serving.  This will make the soup kind of thick, so add more broth if you need to.

Add the cheeses just before serving - a generous pinch of mozzarella and a sprinkle of parmesan.

We love this one, hope you do too.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

11 Questions and Answers

So today is a glorious day.  I woke up when Thunder told me to, I made a goal about the ridiculous amount of homework I was going to accomplish today...and I did it.  That really caught me off guard.  I'm more used to making ridiculous homework goals and getting nowhere near finished.  I guess Thunder was just being my willing helper.  

Anyway, I wasn't sure what to do with myself.  I put this little girl in the baby sling and made dinner, put away the dishes, called my husband to ask where the cheese had gone, and then put Thunder's jacket on her and walked around the house a few times to enjoy the sunshine while she blew spit bubbles for me (I would have gone on a real walk, but we left the stroller at her Grandma's house by accident.  Oops...).  When she began to fuss, I was forced inside and had to decide once again, what to do.  Since she wouldn't let me put her down, I couldn't clean, so I thought 'Oh yeah, I have a blog.  I wonder if it's still there?'  And it is!!!  So I decided to finally answer Kristin's Liebster questions.   

Kristin, I think I fail at this, but thanks for including me anyway. 

1.  What movie would you recommend to me that I probably haven't seen?

'Lagaan: Once upon a time in India.'  I'm guessing you haven't seen it.  It's Bollywood which means 1. you have to read subtitles, 2. the music and dancing are to die for (one Christmas I asked Santa for the soundtrack) and 3. it's clean! (I guess I don't know if all Bollywood movies are clean, but from what I've seen, they sure beat Hollywood).  Best foreign-historical-sports-musical film ever. ;)

2.  If you could go back to college, or just start over if you're there, what would you major in?

I think I would still major in nursing, because it's terribly practical and as soul-sucking as nursing school is, I've enjoyed every nursing job I've had so far.  What I would do differently is decide on a minor that would be fun and stimulating early on.  Maybe English.  I tried to do an English minor, but I didn't realize that I wanted to until it was too late.

3.  What's your favorite recipe that you'd like to share with me?

Pizza soup has been our latest favorite around here, but I'll post it on the next post, so I don't over-clutter this one.

4.  What's the funniest thing you've heard a child say?  Naturally, it could be your own.

Once when we were at my grandma's house, my very, very rambunctious cousin Tom, four or five years old at the time, walked up to my teenage sister, took her chin in his hand, and said, in his most suave voice, "here's something to remember me by," and just like that, she got her first kiss.  Maybe it's one of those you-would-have-to-have-been-there stories, but that's all I have for now.

5.  How much time do you spend on the computer each day?

Too much.  Way too much.  Only three weeks are left of online school, and then I will be free from the dismal internet, visiting only for an occasional facebook visit, and to read cooking blogs (which I think is a little strange, but I can't help myself). 

6.  If you had to be lactose intolerant or gluten intolerant, which would you choose?

Hard choice... maybe lactose intolerant because gluten intolerance limits you more, but oh!  How I love my milk, cheese, and yogurt.  Soy just isn't the same.  I don't think I could ever be vegan.

7.  Tell me about the funnest date you've been on.

Two years ago (has it really been that long?!), my now-husband took me to general conference and we spent two hours standing outside with a bunch of other young adults singing in the snow and rain.  Then we went in to listen to conference and all through talk after talk about marriage, I thought 'it's a good thing neither of us is seriously thinking about marriage right now, or this would feel so awkward.' (He proposed three weeks later.)  That was also the day he met my family and we had our first kiss.  I could go on and on with detail, but that's probably a story for another day.

8.  In what ways have you changed since childhood?  I'm not talking physically. . .

I suppose I'm less of a drama queen...a little...

9.  If there was one thing you'd change about yourself, what would it be?

Where do I start?  I guess I would give up my taste for sweets.  Anyone who knows me knows that I have a sugar tooth that is beyond compare.  It's one of my favorite and least favorite vices.

10.  What would you do if you were given one million dollars tomorrow?

Put it in the bank, probably.  I know, I'm boring.

11.  Did you make it clear to the end?

Yes!  After how many months?  But here we are, and I might add that I did it one-handed because Thunder is sleeping in the other.  :)