Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Identity Crisis

Yes, this blog has been having an identity crisis.  I blame my lack of posts on that...mostly.  Finally, since school let out, I've had a spare moment here and there, so long as I scramble at the beginning of the day.  I imagined I'd have more than that, but once again, all of those things people tell you about parenthood, namely the tiredness, the busyness, the all-around-craziness, have proven true.  Thunder is proving to be not one, not two, but three handfulls.

Anyway, the point is that I DO have a spare minute once in awhile, and that I haven't spent many of them blogging.  Why?  Because this blog isn't sure why it was created or what it's supposed to talk about.  Initially, I began posting about what was going on in our lives.  We had just moved to another town, kinda far from either of our families, and I thought that a blog would be a good way to keep everyone updated on our goings on.  That lasted a couple months, and I guess I did OK, but eventually I had to ask myself, 'Self, who really wants to read about you changing the rotors on your car?' (Notice that I did include a link to that post, though, in case anyone really is interested.  It just seemed like the hip thing to do :).

In the last few months especially, it has begun to seem just a little redundant as well.  We began a while ago to plan on relocating and most of the places we've looked at going are within an hour of our parents.  So lately, the reason I haven't found time to tell our families about what we're doing and how and why and etc. is because we have been spending all our time with family, trying to pull this move off.

Sometimes, I've thought about going in a cooking blog direction.  I'm not exactly a phenomenal cook or anything, but I like to play around in my kitchen quite a lot and I must confess that often when I needed a break during those long hours of writing long, dull, perfectly APA formatted papers, I would find somebody else's blog about cooking and read it.  Just for fun.  Is that geeky?  I don't seem to get out enough to know, nowadays.  In all honesty, clueless has always been something I'm good at.

But most of that paragraph is beside the point.  Why did you decide not to make this blog into a cooking blog, Caitlin?

Ah, yes.  Because I'm a rather impatient cook.  I don't usually measure, I'm not good at taking pictures as I go, and I'm certainly not good at making things look appetizing.  I would need to hire a pro.  Besides that, my methods tend to be a little unorthodox, which is only sometimes a good thing.

Another bump in the road has been some of the other blogs I've glimpsed as I've wandered the wide web.  It seems like some of the more consistent bloggers are also the more egotistical ones  As I've thought about that one, I've realized that that is probably just because if you have a certain space in which to post exclusively about yourself, your life and/or things you're doing, of course it will sound like that.  If everyone in the world who keeps a journal were to post it online, I would probably come away thinking that they are all egotistical too.  So you can see that that's something I've already worked out in my mind...sort of.  I guess I'm still a little nervous that I'll come off that way.

And so, to conclude this little ramble, that is more or less why I have been absent from my internet dwelling place these past few months.  The blog will be doing a little soul searching (if blogs have souls.  If not, it can borrow mine for a bit) and we'll be getting back to you soon.

Yours truly,

P.S. Here's a picture of Thunder to make viewing this post worth your while:

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