Friday, February 21, 2014

My Resolution

Should I even bother apologizing for the appalling amount of time that has past since last I posted?  Because, yes.  It's been a ridiculously long time.  In my defense, the last few weeks have kind of swept me off my feet, and I've hardly had a moment to sit down, much less stare at a computer screen.

Well, last month I put off the task of coming up with resolutions for the new year, but admittedly, there was one that popped into my head rather easily.  My goal for 2014 is (phase 1) to gain 35 pounds (give or take) and then (phase 2) to have lost a few of those again by the end of the year.  Phase 2 will begin sometime around the beginning of September.



  1. Awww!! This sounds like a great goal! Congratulations!

    1. :) Thanks! I hope I still think so during my first Arizona summer.

  2. Soooo excited for you guys! I hope you're feeling okay.
