Wednesday, January 15, 2014


For years, I've held conversations in my head.  Mostly, I talk with people I don't know too well, though friends sometimes show up in my mental dialogues.  It's almost never my husband or my mom, to whom I talk daily or almost daily.  Usually, the things I say are much bolder, more articulate, and sometimes much more offensive than those that make it to my mouth.  I guess that might be true of everyone, or of a lot of people.  Of course, I win the all of the arguments - well, most of them.  Some people are very convincing, even when I'm the one ultimately deciding what they'll say.  Is it cause for concern when someone in your head can stump you?

Only recently, did I decide to wonder how accurate my internal conversations were.  I'm concluding that they are not, by and large, because they 1. not everyone has the same brain that I do, 2. unfortunately, I think that I have an insufficient imagination to perfectly imitate another person's brain, 3. the real world isn't much like Hollywood makes it out to be; people don't usually react in certain ways just for dramatic effect, and 4. I'm never bold enough (thank goodness!) to actually voice the things that I often imagine myself saying - so they can't ignite the response I imagine.  I promise I'm not a cruel or terribly caustic person in my head.  I'm just extremely frank, outspoken, and, of course, very sure that I''m always right.

I'm not sure why I'm writing this post.  This isn't the only time I've written about my own little oddities.  Maybe something in the back of my head it whispering, "tell the world how weird you sometimes are.  One of two things will happen - they'll put you in a mental facility...or you'll find out that everyone else is just as crazy."  I'm guessing the latter.


  1. I also carry on a lot of conversations in my head. I also give amazing talks and speeches that leave audiences stunned and in awe. I'm glad I'm not the only one. :) I think it happens whenever I form a strong opinion about something. I guess it's just my brain's way of sorting through my new ideas. Who knows? Brains are weird.

    1. Right? That's so funny. I kind of wish I could hear what talks or lessons in church would be like if we were all better at saying things the way they sound in our heads. Anyway, I'm glad we're crazy together. :)
