Monday, November 4, 2013

Grateful-vember: Making a Choice

I remember seeing on Facebook last year, that a lot of my friends had decided to do a 'grateful November' challenge, every day posting, in their 'status' bars, something for which they felt grateful.  I thought that it was such a great idea, but somehow - maybe even subconsciously - I felt like I couldn't participate, because I hadn't thought of it until the third or fourth day of the month.  This year, I decided not to let that hold me back.  It's November 4th, and I'm going to make an effort to post (at least several times) this month about things for which I am grateful.

Last weekend, one of my best friends in the whole world came to see me.  While she was here, we went to the Snowflake Arizona (LDS) Temple.  It was a marvelous experience and I got to revisit a realization that I had forgotten.  That is that happiness is a choice.  At some times, it's a more difficult choice to make than at others, but it is a decision.  Furthermore, happiness and gratitude go hand in hand.  They are inextricably linked.  At least for me, this has been the case.  I have noticed that I am happiest in the moments in which I can see just how blessed I am; in which I realize that someone has done for me what I needed and could not do for myself; in which I decide to enjoy what I have and to feel glad that all that has happened has brought me to where I am today.

So today I am grateful to be in this place at this time, living this life.  I am not regretting that I haven't traveled the world, that I am not prettier or more educated, or that I don't have more friends than I do.  I came, utterly vulnerable, as a stranger into a strange land - and I don't just mean to this Somewhere - but when I have hungered, I have been fed.  When I have thirsted, my thirst has been quenched.  As I have walked into the darkness, I have been led.  I never could have imagined, a few years ago, what my life would look like in the latter end of 2013, nor that I would or could like it so well.  I am grateful for the gift of agency,  by which I can choose happiness in seeing the divine hand that has given me everything from the air I breathe to the home enjoy to the family I love.     


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! I can't believe it's November already. :)

  2. Amen! Gratitude has been a powerful theme of my last few years, particularly the chance to choose gratitude and happiness even when things aren't working out the way you want them to. (Since I had about a solid 4 years of my life there where it seemed like everything was going horribly wrong all the time, heh.) This year is mostly a season of my life where things really ARE going the way I'd hoped, so gratitude is much easier, but I feel like I will always feel grateful for the things I learned during that period.

    Also, your blog is quickly becoming one of my favorites. ;)

    1. I can't tell you how much that means to me, and thank you so much for commenting. While I was writing this, there was a little voice in the back of my head saying 'It's easy for you to say. Your life is awesome right now. You might not be writing this if you had some real, serious problems.' Thanks for being to counter-voice.

  3. Aww! This is wonderful! My heart!

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